Donnan, (†
also known as Donan, Donnán, Dounan, Donnanus and
Domnanus of Eigg, was a Celtic priest,
likely from Ireland, who attempted to introduce Christianity
to the Picts of north-western Scotland during the Dark Ages.
Saint Donnán is the patron saint of Eigg, an island in the Inner Hebrides.
was martyred on April 17, 617 at Eigg by a pagan Pictish
Queen who burnt him and 150 others.
SOON after
St. Columba had founded lona,
the zealous Columban monks of his institute established many
churches and cells in the Hebrides. In every one of these
Islands, the churches and chapels were much more numerous,
in former times, than they have been since the Reformation.
Except some of those in Lewis and Harris, all the old
churches were dedicated to the same patron saints, as those
of Argyle, and other parts of Scotland, where the Scoto-Irish
settled. Among the patrons may be noticed St. Columba,
St. Brigid,
St. Ciaran, St.
Adamnan, St. Patrick, St.
Barr, St. Brandan, St. Chattan, St. Martin, St. Caionach or
Kenneth, &c. Even in Lewis and Harris, some of the churches
were dedicated to Scoto-Irish saints, such as Columba,
Brigid, Ciaran, Donan, or Adamnan. Towards the close of the
last century, the ruins of twelve churches and chapels were
standing, in Harris, besides several others, covered with
moss and rubbish, although tradition carefully preserved
their names. Their situation was likewise known to the
people. In the Island of Taransay, there was a church,
called Eaglais Tarain, but tradition was silent regarding
it, in the last century. In the ancient Martyrology, there
is a St. Tarnanus, called Tarananus, by Fordun, in his
Scotichronicon. In the Island of Bemeray, likewise, there is
a Cill Aisaim, supposed by Rev. John Macleod, to signify, a
cell, or church, dedicated to St. Asaph.
That charity,
which Christ came on earth to establish in the hearts and
souls of men, receives no higher encomium, than when for his
sake their lives are devoted to their own and to their
fellow-mortals’ salvation, especially when those lives are
laid down for their friends. Such were the conditions
fulfilled, by the devoted Martyrs of Eigg, as their memories
are recalled on this day, in the Scoto-Irish settlement
among the Hebrides. On the 17th of April, in the Martyrology
of Tallagh, we find entered, Donnan, of Egha, with fifty-two
of his monks, whose names had been written, in a larger
book, which appears to have been that, now known as the
“Book of Leinster.” The Bollandists have some notices of
these Martyrs, at this same date, with certain doubts
expressed, that all their names had been clearly remembered
and recorded by posterity, even if we could be assured, that
all their names have been written down correctly, from the
earliest records. St. Donnan’s name occurs, in the Calendar
and Office, found in the Aberdeen Breviary, at the proper
day. But, no special allusion to his history can there be
discovered. Wherefore, the writer of his memoir, in the
“Acta Sanctorum,” is obliged to depend exclusively upon
Irish authorities. Especially does he quote the Martyrology
of Tallagh, and a transcript, sent from Louvain, by the
Irish Father Thomas O’Sheerin, and which he extracted, from
an Appendix to that Tract. In Bishop Forbes’ work, as also
in that of Rev. S. Baring-Gould there are notices of this
holy Abbot, and of his companions.
The pedigree of
St. Donnan, is not recorded ; so that, all we can know
concerning him must be gleaned, from short notices in our
Irish Annals or Calendars. That he was a native of Ireland
seems to be pretty generally received; and, probably, his
religious profession had been made at lona, under the great
Abbot, St. Columkille. Like some of his countrymen, Donnan
was induced to settle, with a company of followers, in the
western part of Scotland. He desired to make St. Columkille
his Anmchara, which means confessor, or soul’s friend; but,
the holy Abbot of lona refused that office, for his
community. Ega was the name of that Island, in which Donnan
lived, after his coming from Erin. Here, it would seem, he
planted a large community of religious. In after times, this
Island home gave name to a parish, including Egg, Muck and
Rum. These are found, among the group of Hebridean Isles. At
Eigg, the community did not live unmolested, and Columba had
foretold their approaching martyrdom. This, however, did not
prevent Donnan with his people taking up their abode on that
Island. Three sheep, belonging to a certain rich woman of
that region, were kept. Some accounts have it, that she was
a queen and, owing to her envy towards the monks, she moved
a plot for their destruction. There came sea-robbers on a
certain time, to this Island, and while St. Donnan was
celebrating the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He requested of
them not to kill him, until he should have the Mass
celebrated, and they gave him this respite. Then, St.Donnan,
addressing his disciples, said, “Let us retire to the
refectory, that the robbers may slaughter us, where we have
carnally feasted ; for, we may not die, so long as we
remain, where our souls were engaged, in praising the Lord.
But, where we refreshed our bodies, let us pay the mortal
penalty.” We are told, that these religious were martyred,
in the refectory of the monastery, and on the night of
Easter Sunday. The Martyrology of Donegal states, that St.
Donnan was afterwards beheaded, with fifty-two of his monks.
All their names, says the Calendarist, are in a certain old
book, among the books of Erin. This particular record is
mentioned, as having contained the names of fifty-two monks,
who were beheaded along with St.Donnan of Egg.
Unquestionably, this belonged to the Book of Leinster; for,
in the loose leaves—now in the Franciscan Convent—all of
those names are given at length, in the contained copy of
the Tallagh Martyrology.
The malicious
woman, to whom we have alluded, had brought a marauding
party—possibly of Picts—from the neighbouring coast, to
murder the saint and his companions. The following are said
to have been the names of these disciples, Aedanus, larloga,
Maricus, Congallius, Lonanus, Maclasrius, Joannes, Arnanes,
Erninus, Baithinus, Rothanus, Andrelanus, Carellus, Rotanus,
Fergussaiuis, Rectarius, Connidius, Endeus, Macloga,
Guretius, Junetus, Coranus, Baithanus, Colmanus, Jernludus,
Lugadius, Luda, Gruundus, Cucalinus, Cobranus, Conmundus,
Cunminus, Balthianus, Senachus, Demanus, Cummenus, Fernlugus,
Finanus, Finnchanus, Finnichus, Conanus, Modomma, Cronanus,
Kieranus, Colmanus, Navinnus, Remannus, Erninus, Ailchuo,
Donnanus. Here, however, we only find fifty different
persons’ enumerated. We are also led to infer from the
account, that these martyrs were burned to death. Possibly
the murderers set fire to that chamber, where those brethren
had assembled, slaying each one, as he endeavoured to
escape. They are said to have died, on the 17th of April,
A.D. 617, according to Tighernach. From this date, and from
the evidences already adduced, it seems a great mistake to
assert, that the paganism of Ireland and of Scotland had
fallen peacefully, before the power of the Christian Faith,
almost three centuries before the martyrdom of St. Donnan
and of his companions, who suffered “red martyrdom,” in the
Island of Eigg, by the hands of the Vikings. The Felire of
St. Aengus, commemorates the martyrdom of this saint and of
his clergy, at the 17th day of April. The Kalendar of Cashel
and that of Maguire record, in like manner, his feast. This
day was dedicated, according to the Martyrology of Donegall
to honour Donnan, of Ega, Abbot. St. Donnan and his
companions, who were martyred with him, are mentioned in the
Martyrologies of Drummond, in the Kalendar of the Breviary
of Aberdeen, in Adam King’s Kalendar, and in Thomas
Dempster’s Menologium Scotorum. This St. Donnan was greatly
venerated, in the north and west of Scotland; while various
churches were built in his honour, and dedicated to him. The
Island of Egg had a church, called Killdonain, and called
after the present saint’s name. St. Donnan’s well is shown
in Eigg. Until the Reformation, the Crozier of St. Donnan,
was kept at the Church of Auchterless. There is a church, at
Baldongan, in the county of Dublin. However, it cannot be
safely asserted, that it had any connexion, with the present
holy martyr, Donnan. The foregoing notices comprise nearly
everything known, regarding this religious community of
Donnán's feast day is on April 17.