is an honour for me to appear before the
VIII International Congress of the Society
οn Canon Law of the Eastern Churches in
order to deliver my paper οn the Primate's
place within the Autocephalous Church of
Greece, of which I happen to be a bishop.
For this hοnour which has been extended to me, I
wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to the
Society's presidium.
beginning, I ask that you lend me your attention
for a short while so that I may briefly analyze
my subject, by which I shall attempt to cast
light upοn and review the more general canonical
question of the relation of the Protos or
First Bishop to the Synod of the Church of
Greece and to each individual bishop.
canonical relations of the individual bishops of
a local Church to the Bishop of the first
(capital) city constituted, from the
beginning, the object of canonical regulation, in
order to avoid the creation of problems which
could disrupt the life of the Church and
especially her unity. Canons III and XXXIV of
the Apostles, and Canon IΧ of the Local Council
of Antioch, which refer to the interdependence
of the bishops and to their mutual relations
within the ecclesiological framework, are of
basic significance in that they ascribe to the
Protos, or primate, certain privileges of
administrative superiority, of course always
within the dimension of the ministry in Christ.
specifically, Canon XXXIV of the Apostles and
Canon IX of the Council of Antioch regulate the
canonical relations of the bishops of each local
Church or each Metropolitan district with the
presiding Bishop of the Metropolis, whom it
calls "Protοs" and "Head". According to
these regulations, the bishops who belong to an
autοcephalοus Metropolitan eparchy and /or to an
autocephalous local Church are obliged, for the
sake of preserving the unity of the Church and
canonical order, to recognize the presiding
bishop of the Metropolis, i.e. οf the city
largest in size or of the greatest significance,
as the first among them and as the Head of their
body, and must not undertake administrative or
other actions pertaining to the more general and
vital Church matters without his opinion or
This of
course means that in local affairs or in matters
pertaining to the exercise of his sacred
pastoral duties as bishop, teacher and
administrator of his spiritual fold, i.e. his
diocese, each bishop of course has the right to
act freely - always within the framework of the
sacred canons and ecclesiastical laws. Νο bishop
may interfere in the administration of another
diocese, save his own,(1) "rendering account
only unto the Lord". This, however does not
imply an arbitrariness on the part of the bishop
or a degrading of the Synodical system (sinodikos
thesmos), but rather the autonomous and
independent administrative spiritual and
pastoral activities of the bishop, which,
however, are supervised by the Synod to which
the bishop belongs.
In other
words, the independence of the local Church is
recognized - but only in those matters in which
the Synod or the First Bishop "have no right to
interfere".(2) Like the ΧΧΧIVth Apostolic Canon,
Canon IΧ of the Council of Antioch is quite
explicit οn this matter: "...Each bishop has
authority over his own diocese (paroekia), both
to manage it with the piety which is incumbent
on every one, and to make provision for the
whole district which is dependent on his city;
to ordain presbyters and deacons; and to settle
everything with judgment. But let him undertake
nothing further without the bishop of the
Metropolis; neither the latter without the
consent of the others".(3)
the canon in question, as we have noted, aims at
preserving the Church's unity in Christ and not
at the adulteration of the ecclesiastical
principle of the equality of the bishops in
their priesthood and teaching, it adds that the
"First" bishop must not ignore the existence of
the other bishops and should not abuse his
authority by proceeding to actions which betray
arbitrariness, high-handedness, and a despotic
spirit of imposing one's will upon his brothers
and concelebrants. Thus through the
interdependence, unity and cooperation between
the bishops and the First Bishop (Protos) their
co-responsibility in facing the great and
general problems of the Church is made manifest,
and the need for the correct functioning of the
synodical system through the participation in
the synodical organ of all of the bishops
without exception emphasized.(4)
in the Orthodox Church each bishop, by right of
his ordination - and not by missio canonica
as in the Roman Catholic Church - participates
in Synods, presided over by the First Bishop,
which deal with matters referring to the overall
life of the Church. Whatsoever refers to the
local Church however, e.g. ordinations of
priests and deacons, belongs to the competency,
and is the responsibility, of the local bishop.
This competency can neither be limited nor
As it
has been observed, however, the institution of
the Autocephalous Churches formed in more recent
times does not constitute a super-local
organizational structure of the Church, i.e. a
super-diocese. "Autocephalous Churches,
organized as a pyramid with a synodical
institution exercising absolute authority over
the local Churches, or with the primate
exercising such authority over the councils,
represent a dangerous distortion of the
ecclesiological spirit of the canons".(6) The
authority of the Council or that of the First
Bishop or Protos over the individual bishops
cannot abrogate the primordial and inviolate
jurisdiction of the bishop over the local
Church, but ought to extend only to the
supervision of episcopal actions and deeds,
always on the basis of the sacred canons and the
church laws. Any overstepping of these canonical
bounds constitutes a dangerous alteration of
Orthodox ecclesiology and surreptitiously
introduces into the Church a secular spirit and
administrative principles foreign to canonical
order. Indeed, if we keep in mind that on the
local level the synodical system is in general
to this very day an institution, while the
Universal Church, or Church at large, is not
expressed institutionally, since an Ecumenical
Council is recognized as such only posteriori
and then acquires supreme authority for the
Church, it becomes evident how necessary it is
to preserve inviolate from every alienating
influence the functional structures of the
synodical system in its initial phase, so to
speak, so that it remains a strong instrument
ensuring the unity and concord not only of the
bishops but of the laity as well. Indeed, as
Zonaras in his interpretation of the 34th
Apostolic Canon observes: "it desires... that
the bishops have concord and that they be united
by the bond of love, and that they should be an
example of love and concord to the clergy and
people under them".(7)
all the bishops, as successors of the Lord and
the Apostles, possess the same priesthood in
equal measure (tis aftis aksias). United with
one another through the mysteries or sacraments
and especially through the Holy Eucharist, each
individual bishop οn the one hand deals
self-sufficiently with matters pertaining to his
diocese, while οn the other hand with the rest
of the bishops in synod, under the presidency of
the First bishop, he deals with issues affecting
the more general life of the Church. The
distinction made between the Primate and the
rest of the bishops is not one of higher or
lower value or significance, but rather one of
honour, and is of a practical nature. It is a
primacy of diakonia (deaconship ) and not of special
episcopal privileges over and beyond his fellow
bishops which he derives from his
Archpriesthood.(8) The ministry in question
reflects the concern of the canοns to establish
an organ to regulate authority and which, by
functioning within a specific framework
harmoniously combined with the collegiality of
the bishops, directs the functioning of the
synod or council towards the good ordering of
ecclesiastical affairs.(9)
Orthodox Church of Greece was proclaimed
autocephalous in the year 1850 by a Patriarchal
and Synodical Tome which alsο specified the
basic principles of its canonical
administration. According to this Tοme, the
Church of Greece is autocephalous, "having as
its supreme head a standing synod composed of
bishops summoned in rotation according to the
seniority of their ordination, having as their
president the incumbent Metropolitan of Athens,
and administering the Church in accordance with
the sacred canons freely and unhindered by any
secular intervention".(10)
analyzing this specification we observe that the
Mother Church of Constantinople granted
autocephaly to her daughter, the Church of
Greece, under the following conditions which
pertain to the latter's administration:
a) It recognized and stipulated as the Church of
Greece's supreme governing body a Standing Synod
of Bishops;
b) Without specifying the number of the Synod's
members, it foresaw that the bishops who are to
participate in the Synod are to be summoned in
sequence according to the order of their
seniority in ordination.
c) It recognized as Protos or Primate among the
bishops of the Church in question the incumbent
Metropolitan of Athens, whom it also named as
President of the Synod.
d) It excluded all secular intervention in the
administration of the Church, thus preserving
her internal independence and
We here
underline the fact that the Tome foresaw that in
This Synod, which thus became the supreme
ecclesiastical head of the Church, not all the
bishops were to participate simultaneously, but
only certain of them, summoned each time on the
basis of their seniority.(11) Such a periodical
participation of the active bishops in the Synod
should not be considered as seeking to exclude
some of them from the Conciliar actions of the
Church, for a) all the bishops participate in
the synod, although not simultaneously; b) the
criterion by which they are summoned, invited
and participate is an objective one: viz.
the chronological order in which they were
ordained to the episcopate. This ensures that
each and every bishop without exception will
participate in turn in the work of the Synod.
Different from this, and hence clearly
uncanonical is the meritorious (aristidin)
synthesis of the synod: i.e. the choosing of
specific bishops from the catalogue of hierarchs
with or without an objective criterion, or the
composition of the synod by permanent
uncanonical ways of composing synods have
resulted in gerontism (elderism): the
creation of bishops superior in their ability to
impose their views and authority upon others.
They have also resulted in other tragic
situations which have undermined the unity of
the Church. Without a doubt, the constitutional
charters of the Church of Greece from 1923 and
on have clarified certain ambiguities in the
Tome. For example, they are more specific in
specifying that the "supreme head" of the Church
of Greece is the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy,
which is composed of all her diocesan bishops,
and that this Synod's "representative" is the
Standing Synod, smaller in membership than the
Holy Synod of the Hierarchy. All bishops
participate in the Standing Synod, being
summoned yearly in rotation on the basis of the
seniority of their ordination. With this
clarification the real and practical
difficulties of the simultaneous participation
of all the bishops are solved without creating
ecclesiological problems.
Tome, by declaring that the Synod is the highest
ecclesiastical authority in Greece, implied that
it has certain privileges also. These are:
a) that the Synod, and not the Primate, i.e. the
Metropolitan or Archbishop of Athens, is
commemorated when the bishops celebrate the Holy
b) that it is the Synod which issues the
canonical documents necessary for the ordination
of bishops;
c) that the Synod had the right to refer to, and
correspond with, the Ecumenical Patriarch and
his Holy Synod, and to receive announcements and
to enter into any type of collaboration with
d) that it is the Synod which maintains the
bonds of unity with both the Mother Church of
Constantinople and the other Holy Orthodox
Churches, and
e) that the Synod regulates all things
"pertaining to the internal administration of
the Church".(13)
its autocephaly was proclaimed, the Church of
Greece was administered by a five-member Church
Council or Synod of bishops voted by the
legislature and appointed by the government, as
specified by the "Ruling" ("hegemonic") or "Rοyal"
decree of the Fifth National Assembly held in
Nafplion (15 March 1832).
autocephaly, an article to the effect that,
among other things, the Church of Greece is
"autocephalous, that she exercises her sovereign
rights independently of all other Churches and
that she is administered by a Holy Synod of
bishops"(14) has been included in all Greek
Constitutions where they speak of religion.
specifically, in Article 3 of the current
Constitution, in force since 1975, the following
is stated in regard to the question at hand:
"...The Orthodox Church of Greece... is
autocephalous and is administered by a Holy
Synod of the active hierarchs, and by the
Standing Holy Synod derived from it, composed as
the Constitutional Charter of the Church of
Greece specifies, observing the provisions of
the Patriarchal Tome of June 29, 1850 and the
Patriarchal Act of September 4, 1928".
this provision it is apparent that in accordance
with canonical order the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy is sanctioned as the supreme
administrative organ of the Church of Greece by
the current Greek Constitution as well. In the
Holy Synod of the Hierarchy all diocesan bishops
without exception participate. The principle of
the equality of the bishops as members of the
Synod is reconfirmed.(15) Consequently, the
Autocephalous Church of Greece follows the synodical system in its administration - a
system which functions on the principle of
majority rule, as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
place of the Protos or Primate within the synod
is from the very beginning that of primus
inter pares. His rights as president of both
the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy and the Standing
Holy Synod are described in nucleus already by
the First Constitutional Law ΣA /1852. From that
time οn in the Constitutional Charters that the
Church of Greece has had, and especially in
Regulation No. 1 /1977, provisions relating to
and specifically specifying the rights and
duties of the Protos within the synod
have been included. From the study of these
provisions we observe that:
a) The
Protos or Primate convokes the Standing
Holy Synod and the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy
in extraordinary session and cοmmunicates to the
Synods' members the session's agenda.
Initially, and up to the year 1969, a decree had
to be issued in order for the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy to be convoked. After 1969 the
convocation of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy
in regular annual session takes place ipso
jure, as foreseen by Article 6, para.1 of
the Church's Constitutional Charter; it is
summoned extraordinarily by decision of the
Standing Holy Synod, whose president is
obligated to convoke it.
The term
"ipso jure" ("aftodikeos") from one point
of view means that the convocation of the Holy
Synod of the Hierarchy does not require any
additional action οn the part of an
ecclesiastical or civil organ, its cancellation
or postponement however, would require the
passing of new legislation.(16) Another
view-point considers "ipso jure" or "aftodikeos"
as meaning that no decision on the part of any
church or state organ is required for the
summoning of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy.
Hence, should nο letter of convocation or agenda
of business be sent to its members, the Holy
Synod of the Hierarchy still validly assembles
and meets in its regular annυal October session,
provided that it have the necessary quorum,
given that its venue is known (Article 1,
Regulation 1 /1977). The Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy can also decide to discuss new matters
not included in the business agenda (Article 6,
para.2, Constitutional Charter, and Article 3, para. 1, Regulation 1 /1977). Thus in the case
of the regular meeting of the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy its president's competency to convoke
is purely formal and not necessary. The matters οn the agenda of its business are drawn up by
the Standing Holy Synod and the president simply
communicates them to the members at least two
months in advance.
Necessary for the convocation of an
extraordinary meeting of the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy are either a) a decision taken by its
president οn his own initiative, b) a decision
by the Standing Holy Synοd; or c) a petition by
at least 1 /3 of the diocesan bishops addressed
to the president, in which the matters for which
they wish that the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy
be summoned are stated. In situation b) the
president is obliged to summon the Holy Synod of
the Hierarchy through an act issued ten days
after the decision was taken, and on a day no
later than twenty days from the said date. In
situation c) the president is obliged to bring
the petition immediately before the Standing
Holy Synod, which in turn "immediately" acts
upon it, by either authorizing its president to
convoke the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy within
twenty days, or rejects the petition, giving its
reasons for doing so. Should the petitioning
bishops re-petition the president, the
convocation of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy
becomes mandatory and must be convoked by the
president within twenty days. If in situations
b) and c) the president should neglect to summon
the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy, he is subject
to canonical sanctions (article 6, para.1,
Constitutional Charter).
matters of business in the agendas of the
extraordinary sessions of the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy are drawn up by the president, if it
is he who is summoning the Synod, or by the
Standing Holy Synod, if the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy is being convoked by petition (see
article, 6, para.2).
Standing Holy Synod is called to regular or
extraordinary session by its president. It meets
in regular session four times a month (article
4, Regulation 2 /1977) and in extraordinary
session whenever its president so decides, or
when seven of its members so petition (article
5, Regulation 2 /1977).
One is
impressed by the clear foresight of the Greek
lawmaker and the Synodical organ which acts by
his authorization, to describe at this phase the
privileges of the Protos or Primate in
order to avoid any overstepping of authority.
Such an action is justified by the bitter
experience of the past in regard to the
convocation of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy
and the Standing Holy Synod. It is clear that
here we have a case of self-committal, for the
president of the Preparatory Committee burdened
with the task of drafting the Church's
Constitutional Charters is always the incumbent
Archbishop of Athens, while the commission
itself is composed largely of clerics. Hence
these regulations, which were approved and voted
into law by the Greek Parliament, must be viewed
and understood as expressing the Church's
intention to insure through checks and balances
the smooth functioning of the synodical system,
and to limit the Primate's exercise of authority
and competency in such a way as to preserve the
most fundamental principles of the synodical
system - though one could observe that such a
detailed limitation in the exercising of
presidential authority pertaining to the
convoking of the Synod betrays a type of a
insecurity vis-a-vis the president's authority,
which leads to a corresponding over-emphasis of
the competencies of the collective synodical
b) He presides over the Holy
Synod of the Hierarchy and the Standing Holy
Synod. In his absence or in case of an
impediment, he is replaced by the
vice-president, who in the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy is that bishop who has the precedence
of ordination to the Episcopate. A different
order of things was foreseen by Compulsory Law
No. 2170 /40, para.3, which specified that
the President of the Synod himself appointed, at
the beginning of each synodical period, one of
the members of the Synod - whomever he preferred
- to be his substitute in the presidency and "in
the exercise of all competencies related to it".
If his substitute were absent or hindered from
attending, then he chose another. This strange
ordinance however was abolished by Law 671 /43
and ever since the vice-president is appointed
according to the seniority of episcopal
According to the
canons, the presidency of the Synod belongs to
the Primate. In fact, a synod without a primate
is something inconceivable. The Third Apostolic
Canon explicitly foresees that the other bishops
gathered in synod can do nothing without their
primate. Hence it is impossible, canonically
speaking, to separate the competency of
convoking the Synod from its presidency. He who
convokes and he who presides over the synod must
be one and the same person. The task of the
primate is related to the expression of the
Church's unity and hence inseparable from the
act of convoking the Synod.(19) From this
aspect, ecclesiastical legislation in Greece
reserves appearances, since the Church's
Constitutional Charter foresees that the
president of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy
sends out the invitations to the bishops to
participate in the Synod - though in reality
this is merely a formality, since essentially it
is the Synod in its entirety that decides the
convocation, and its president is simply
summoned to execute its decision.
According to the
sacred canons, the convocation of the Synod by
the Protos or Primate is equally
inconceivable without the consent of the
remaining bishops, as is evident from the 34th
Apostolic Canοn. All the bishops partake in the
convocation of the Synod and the Primate simply
serves as the mouth and expression of the
bishops. In the Orthodox Church the Primate does
not possess any monarchial privileges or
authority which he exercises ipso jure.
He expresses the communion of the Churches and
not legal authority.(20) Thus, the Greek
lawmaker conformed to this spirit when he
decreed, as we have already seen, concerning the
presiding over of the Synod in a way permeated
by the principle that the local Churches must
act in Synod as a unity and not disunitedly, and
that the Primate is the basic factor of this
unity.(21) Without the Primate, the Synod cannot
function. Nor is a collegiate presidency
conceivable. Communion (koenonia) is expressed
through one person and is deeply related to the
concept of the Trinitarian life of God, where
the communion of the three persons becomes unity
οnly in one person: the hypostasis of the
Father. This is also why the 34th Apostolic
canon concludes with a reference to the Holy
These correct
views were overlooked in 1959 when the majority
of the members of the Holy Synod, differing with
their president as to the need for proceeding to
the election and ordination of new bishops -
despite the fact that the Primate had adjourned
the meeting and departed - remained and, without
their president and in spite of his disapproval,
continued to meet and make decisions. In the
tumult that ensued many reliable scholars were
involved and supported two diametrically
opposing viewpoints. According to the one side,
the Archbishop of Athens is not "Protos"
or Primate in the sense mentioned in the 34th
Apostolic Canοn, since the Greek Constitution
and the Church's Constitutional Charter
"establish two collegiate organs, the Standing
Hοly Synod and the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy,
with no other jurisdiction of the Archbishop
save to preside over these, and indeed with the
alternate possibility of having a substitute
preside in cases of absence or impediment.
Indeed, according to this view, should the
president be absent or hindered from attending,
the session is not cancelled but the Synod is
presided over by him who has the seniority of
ordination to the episcopate from among those
present. This view is substantiated by
ecclesiastical practice in that the Archbishop
of Athens is not commemorated by the
Metropolitans in the Holy Liturgy - as would be
the case if he were "Protos" or Primate
but, οn the contrary, the Metropolitans - equal
in every respect to the Archbishop, who acts as
Metropolitan within the precincts of his
diocesan area - commemorate, in accordance with
article 30 of the Church's Constitutional
Charter "the Holy Synod". On the other hand, the
Metropolitans of the "Νew Territories" who are
"spiritually" connected with the Ecumenical
Patriarchate, commemorate both the Holy Synod
and the Patriarch, because the latter for them
is their spiritual, but not administrative,
Primate.(23) "In the opposite viewpoint,
maintained by my friend and old schoolmate, Mr.
Μ. Bacopoulos, the presidents of collegiate
bodies, sensing that the bodies would vote
contrary to their [i.e. the presidents']
desires, could adjourn the sessions before the
voting and thus avoid, either temporarily or
even completely, distasteful decisions, thereby
gaining the necessary time to influence the
majority. I do not imagine that my friend would
acquiesce to such an action on the part of the
president of Parliament".(24)
Others maintained
that it is the inalienable right of the
Protos not only to convene, but also to
dissolve the session of the Synod, which in no
way can convene and meet when the Protos
does not so desire. Finally the Legal Council of
State, the Nation's supreme legal and
administrative council, decided that the
decisions of the Synod taken after the
Archbishop's departure lack legal validity. This
view prevailed, and the entire issue ended with
the upholding of the canonical order.(25)
c) He has one
vote - as do the other members of the Synod - in
accordance with the fixed principle of equality
which characterizes all the bishops. As in the
case of all collective organs, only in the event
of a tie vote does the vote of the president
prevail. This is by no means an indication of
superiority but simply a practical solution to a
fairly rare problem.
d) He directs the
discussions in Synod. More specifically, he
proposes a three-member Press Committee (article
4, para.3, Regulation 1 /77). He declares the
opening and closing of the sessions, gives or
takes away the floor (i.e. the right to speak),
is responsible for the faithful observance and
application of the Rules of Order of the Holy
Synod of the Hierarchy and for the propriety of
the deliberations, having the right to adjourn
the session in order to preserve such propriety
(article 9, para.1, article. 11, para.1). The
President of the Holy Synod can also interrupt
the speaker should the latter deviate from the
matter under discussion. He can order that
whatever is said after the "floor" has been
taken away from the speaker be stricken from the
record. He calls the speaker back to order
should the latter be out of order, and if
necessary, can censure him or even bar him from
one to three of the next sessions. He is the
last to vote, and in the case of their absence
has the right to represent more than one member
of the Synod. In deviation from ordinary
procedure, he can introduce to the Holy Synod of
the Hierarchy regulations to be voted upon and
can allow entrance to the meeting chamber of
persons other than the Synodical members.
As concerns the
Standing Holy Synod, its president, in
conformity with article 10, Regulation 2 /77,
convenes the body by invitation, draws up the
working agenda, directs the discussions and
makes announcements.
e) He acts, by
authorization of the Standing Holy Synod, during
the interim period between sessions. Despite the
fact that this ordinance was nullified by
decision 961 /78 of the Council of State, it
continues to be in force, for at the end of each
final monthly session, the Standing Holy Synod
grants special authorization to its president to
dispatch by himself routine business in the
Synod's name.
This established
procedure, in conjunction with the fact that the
Synod is convoked only four times a month,
circumvents in practice the Synodical
institution's functioning in Greece, since
during the greater part of the year the Church
is governed by the Archbishop alone, acting "by
authorization" of the Synod, which is summoned
posterori to approve business already
finished and matters already completed, many of
which cannot really be characterized as routine
business but rather are grave and important
issues upon which synodical decisions and
actions ought to have been taken.
The previous
system whereby the Standing Holy Synod was
summoned twice weekly was more in harmony with
canonical practice, and more in the interest of
the Church and her synodical government. It
eliminated any accusation against the Primate,
who no longer had any cause to handle by himself
and in absence of the Synod any crucial
ecclesiastical business.
f) In the event
of the demise or resignation of a diocesan
bishop, he appoints as Locum Tenens of
the vacated diocese a bishop of one of the
bordering dioceses: viz. him who has the
seniority of ordination (article 23, para.1,
Constitutional Charter).
g) He presides
over the Ecclesiastical Court of the Second
Instance, which deals with charges brought
against bishops.
h) In conformity
with article 28 of the Church's Constitutional
Charter, he commemorates all "Orthodox bishops"
while celebrating the Divine Liturgy.
i) Through a
proposal in which he explicitly states his
reasons, and which he submits to the Standing
Holy Synod, he can provoke a decision whereby an
active Metropolitan can be suspended for a
period of six months if there are serious
reasons pertaining to his person, or if such a
suspension is in the interest of the Church,
public welfare or social tranquility (Article
15, Law 1351 /83).
This provision,
which up to the present has never been applied,
while nοt unconstitutional, has been judged as
being uncanonical and "contrary to all those
holy canons which deal with the bishop's
position in the Church as the president of the
Eucharistic Community. It strikes a blow at the
Church's ecclesiological structure, and
dynamites its foundations, and thus violates the
Holy Canons, which have constitutional
force".(26) Of course it is a known fact that
this provision was enacted for a specific reason
and because of the Church's inability to
confront a specific internal matter. Such
ordinances however, betray a dangerous
secularization, since the bishop is not simply
an administrative organ but possesses an
outstanding ecclesiological and charismatic
position in the Church, something which Greek
Laws have often overlooked.
Because of this
deliberate misinterpretation of the bishop's
place within Orthodox theology and his position
as president of the Eucharistic gathering, which
"unites the Church of Christ in time and place",
the Greek Lawmaker and the courts were
influenced in supporting view or taking actions
in conflict with Orthodox canonical ethos.(27)
This is precisely what happened in the Greek
State's recent interference in the inner affairs
of the Church, not only by essentially
confiscating monastic properties but also by
attempting to order the internal affairs of the
Church - not only in outright opposition to the
Hierarchy's opinion, but also with the clear
intent of limiting its canonical rights. In
Greece, the Lawmaker understands the bishop as
being the head of a public service, and not as a
Church functionary, thereby ignoring fundamental
Church institutions. Among other things, proof
of this is the fact that all the above-mentioned
competencies of the President of the Synod come
under the supervision of the Council of State,
which has the power to nullify any of his
actions which might be called into question.
This means that he is viewed as exercising
public administration - the Church being
considered to be a legal public entity, and all
laws applying to such entities are applicable to
the Church.
If this mentality
does not change, and if the Church and her
canonical institutions are not dealt with in the
proper canonical way, many are the evils which
will arise. The recent events in Church-State
relations in Greece bring to the fore the
question of separation of Church and State as a
solution to the problem of the continuous
interference οn the part of the State in
ecclesiastical affairs, to the Church's
detriment. Unfortunately, such interventions on
the State's part have brought only ills to both
Church and State, despite the good disposition
and intentions towards the Church of various
past governments.
From all that we
have said above, we are able to list the
following conclusions:
1. The Synodical
System is in force in the Orthodox Church of
Greece, as it is in all the other Local Orthodox
Churches. It deals with both general and
important issues. The Synodical System is a
canonical and traditional institution dating
from Christian antiquity. In it participate all
bishops without exception.
2. The role of
the Protos or Primate is limited to
ensuring the smooth and unhindered functioning
of the synodical system, thereby guaranteeing
Church unity. In the past, deviations from this
principle have resulted in the creation of
interval Church problems which were solved
through State intervention.
3. None the less,
the Protos in the Church of Greece up to
now still maintains substantial influence over
the bishops and acts in this direction in an
indeterminate but decisive manner.
(1). Cf.
also Cyprian, V 55 (52) 21
(2). John Zizioulas (nοw Metropolitan of
Pergamon), "The Synodical Institutions:
Historical, Ecclesiological and Canonical
Problems" in the "Volume in Hοnοur of
Metropolitan Barnabas of Kitros, οn the occasion
οf the Completion οf 25 years οf Episcopacy",
Athens 1980, p. 177.
(3). Rallis and Potlis, The Constitution (Syntagma)
of the Divine and Sacred Canons, Vol. III,
p. 141.
(4). Anastasios Marinos, Church/State
Relations, Athens 1984, p. 43.
(5). The Greek Council of State, aligning itself
with this correct canοnical spirit, nullified,
by its decision nο. 365-367 /1977, an act of the
Standing Holy Synod by which a ten-year
exclusion from participating in the work of the
Standing Holy Synod and the Holy Synod of the
Hierarchy was placed οn those bishops who had
participated in Archbishop Ieronymos'
Meritorious (appointed) Synod. This Synodical
measure was judged to be not only unlawful but
also uncanοnical. See An. Marinos, Οp. Cit.,
p. 41, note 22.
(6). J. Zizioulas, Οp. Cit., pp. 177-178.
(7). Rallis and Potlis, The Constitution...,
Vol. II, p. 46.
(8). Metropolitan Panteleimon of Tyrholoe and
Serention, An Ecclesiological Review of the
34th Apostolic Canοn, Thessaloniki 1979, p.
(9). Ibid., pp. 10-11.
(10). Metropolitan Barnabas of Kitros, The
Constitutional Legislatian οf the Church οf
Greece, Athens 1967, p. 21.
(11). It should be pointed out that the Council
of Ministers of Greece also in their letter to
the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Patriarchal
Synod of Constantinople, dated May 30, 1850 and
referring to the established, canonical synodical
administration of the Church, of Greece as
autocephalous, observed that His Majesty, the
King, before proceeding to the restoration of
canonical order in the Church, "having summoned
to the seat of the Government all the bishops
residing permanently or temporarily in Greece,
i.e. the Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops,
benignly heard their unanimous opinion to the
effect that the standing administration of the
Orthodox Church through a Synod such as that of
our sister Orthodox Church in Russia is
considered to be more competent and advantageous
for the God-established Kingdom of Greece".
Metropolitan Barnabas, Οp. Cit., p. 30.
(12). J. Zizioulas, Οp. Cit., p. 186.
(13). Metropolitan Barnabas, Op. Cit., p.
(14). Ibid., p. 63.
(15). This was confirmed by the Council of State
through its decision n. 960 /78. At the same
time this same council, through its decisions
3178 /76 and 545-546 /78,judged that the mention
of the Patriarchal Tome by which autocephaly was
granted to the Church does not add any augmented
force to it as concerns its contents in toto,
but only to those provisions of it that refer to
the manner in which the Standing Holy Synod is
constituted. A contrary view has been put forth
with forceful argumentation by reliable scholars.
(16). Sp. Troyannos, "Comparative Observations
οn the Constitutional Legislation of the
Orthodox Autocephalous Churches", in
Theologia, Vol. 50 (1979) p. 199.
(17). The President's right to convene the Holy
Synod of the Hierarchy was abolished by article
3 of Law 671 /1943 and was given to the Holy
Synod. Article w of the Decree of 1959
stipulates that in case 1/2 of the membership οf
the Hierarchy sought the extraordinary
convocation of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy,
the President was obliged within a three-day
period to submit in writing to the Ministry of
Education and Religions a petition for the
issuance of a Royal Decree of Convocation. Cf.
Metropolitan Barnabas, Constitutional
Legislation..., pp. 269, 317.
(18). Ibid., pp. 77, 269.
(19). J. Zizioulas, Οp. Cit., p. 188.
Metropolitan Maximos of Sardis, The
Εcumenical Patriarchate in the Orthodox Church,
Thessaloniki 1972, p. 350. Metropolitan
Bartholomaios of Philadelphia, "Οn the Future of
the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church",
in Volume in honour οf the Metropolitan Geron
Meliton οf Chalcedon, 1977, pp. 147-157.
(20). Metropolitan Maximos, Οp. Cit., pp.
(21). J. Zizioulas, Οp. Cit., p. 178.
(22). "...and there will be unanimity, and God
will be glorified through the Lord in the Holy
Spirit, even the Father, the Son, and the Holy
(23). See the opinion of Al. Vamvetsos in the
Newspaper Ethnos (The Nation), 23 April
(24). Ibid.
(25). The Government then voted Law 3952 /1959
and issued the Decree of 17 Dec. 1959 upstaining
the Archbishop of Athens.
(26). An. Marinos, Οp. Cit., p. 90.
(27). Ibid., p. 27.
Translation by: K. N.