Necessary Prelude to the Teaching which Follows
I am reaching out to any woman who has had an abortion, but
- by God's grace - has repented and had Confession. What
follows may cause you pain as you read it. I assure you
that your tears of repentance and your confession has
brought you God's healing Grace and forgiveness, so do not
allow the evil one to cause you to have doubts about that.
If you need reassurance of that forgiveness, please let me
know, or - better yet - contact your spiritual father.
For those precious and deeply wounded souls who have yet to
repent of their grave sin and seek God's forgiveness,
together with all those who share in that soul-destroying
sin: doctors, nurses, counselors, parents, relatives,
friends, clergy, legal and political figures, I pray that
these words will help you to seek forgiveness and healing
from God before you depart time and space, when your soul is
separated from your body and is in the presence of the
living God; for then, it will be too late to repent.
This article is quite limited in its scope and its length
(And, forgive me, probably incoherent in parts, as I
am preparing it as I go!). In time, if God so wills, I hope
to prepare a much more detailed account of this satanic
holocaust and other ungodly actions which are considered
"normal" today, as well as give some key facts on the
biggest abortion provider in our Nation: The ungodly
organization known as Planned Parenthood.
Today, January 22, 2014, marks the 41st anniversary of the
U. S. Supreme Court decision which destroyed the soul of our
Nation; for it legalized the murder of the most innocent and
most defenseless of our brothers and sisters: the child in
the womb. Since that darkest of days, there have been an
estimated 56,662,169 abortions. In order to get a clearer
picture of the horror of these 41 years of legalized
infanticide please, carefully look at these ungodly
1.382 million abortions every year
115,167 abortions every month
26,577 abortions every week
3,786 abortions every day
2.6 abortions every minute!
How can this be, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ?
Why has the womb become a tomb in so many women? How can
the killing of pre-born babies be called a "sacred gift" by
a member for the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood;
or "sacred ground" by the U.S. House Minority Leader? What
would cause the Governor of New York to recently state that
"extreme conservatives who are right to life ... have no
place in the State of New York"? Why, in the WebMD, the
terminology in the pregnancy section talks of a baby's
development in the womb, whereas that baby becomes
"contents" to be removed in the abortion section? How can
people who are pro-abortion get elected to public office,
and doctors who perform these murders for profit be allowed
to continue to practice medicine? The answer is quite
simple: A large percentage of the 75% of our citizens who
call themselves Christians have left our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ.
In St. Paul's letter to the Philippians [2:7], he reminds us
that our Lord Jesus "emptied Himself and took the form of a
slave, and came to be in the likeness of men." Therefore,
by doing so, as one of the hymns in the Feast of the
Annunciation explains, He has "made God-like the garment
[our human nature] He has put on. O mystery!" I contend
that if we truly believed in Christ, as we should, that
decision would have never even been handed down; because
such a trial would have never taken place. I further
contend, even it it did pass, it would have been very
short-lived; because the clergy would have mobilized their
flocks to pray and fast and to admonish all who supported
the ungodly law, as well as get it rescinded in a very short
I direct the remainder of this paper to Orthodox Christians.
Why have we - at best - benignly neglected, and - at worse
- chosen to be indifferent on this critical issue of
legalized abortion --- especially, we the Clergy? To my
knowledge only one presiding Orthodox Hierarch, Metropolitan
Tikhon of the OCA - chose to call this past Sunday, 1/19,
Respect Life Sunday; and issue an encyclical. How
many Orthodox priests or Hierarchs gave sermons on abortion
this past Sunday, or any Sunday? How many clergy and laity
are actively involved in pro-life groups
or pregnancy centers? How many Orthodox Physicians who
perform abortions have been admonished to repent and stop
these murders? And if they do not, how many of them, as an
act of LOVE for them and their salvation, have been
excommunicated until they repent?
In Psalm 105 [106], the holy King and Psalmist David seems
to be given a prophetic account of what is going on today in
our Nation:
"And they sacrificed their sons
and daughters to the demons. and they poured out innocent
blood, the blood of their sons and daughters whom they
sacrificed to the carved images of Canaan [Today, Canaan
describes the secular humanistic, pleasure oriented,
politically correct society in which we live.]. And with
streams of blood was the land polluted with murder, and it
was defiled with their works." [vss. 34-35].
As Orthodox Christians, I believe that it is our sacred duty
to be in the front lines of the struggle to stop this
slaughter of God's innocent ones. The child in the womb is
totally defenseless and unable to speak in support of its
sacred right to be born. Therefore, you and I must become
their voice, their defenders. At the very least, can't we
offer daily prayers to God to deliver us before abortions
causes the total destruction of our Land, as well as the
loss of salvation for so many people? A few years ago, I
made icon-prayer cards(*) available to many of you. A copy
of both sides of the card is printed below. If you would
like hard copies, please e-mail me your address and the
number of cards you desire. Try to offer the prayer at
around Noon your time.
My Brethren in Christ, although St. Basil the Great uttered
these words over 1650 years ago, they are most applicable
today in our Nation, where abortion is legal, same-sex
marriage is being promoted by the government and the media,
homosexual couples are being allowed to adopt children,
smoking pot is being legalized, and our youths are being
adulterated by what they are being taught in the public
"Today, while the overall teachings of the Fathers is under
attack and the shipwrecks of Faith are numerous, the mouths
of the faithful are silent!"
May our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, through the
intercessions of our most beloved Panaghia, give us the
Grace that we need to become His instruments to SPEAK OUT
and DEFEND the life of the pre-born child!
Your unworthy servant in Christ Jesus,
(*) P.S. Icon-Prayer Card:
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who – at the 6th hour of the day –
didst shed Thy precious Blood upon the Cross for the
salvation of all mankind: receive the souls of all the
innocent pre-born babies, who have been, are being, or will
be slaughtered today in the hospitals and abortion chambers
throughout our nation. And as their untimely deaths have
prevented them from receiving the grace of Holy Baptism, I
entreat Thee to accept their innocent blood as their Baptism
(as Thou didst with the early Martyrs); so that they can
share eternity with Thee.
To the doctors, nurses, parents and hosts of accomplices
responsible for this infanticide, grant tears of repentance;
so that they can run to Thee for forgiveness and healing,
and thus avoid the eternal death of their souls. I believe
that all things are possible with Thee, O Lord. Therefore, I
entreat Thee on this day – through Thy divine grace – to
convince at least one mother in every state to cancel her
abortion and bring her child to full term; and to convince
one doctor in every state to repent of his actions, and
never again kill a child in the womb.
Receive my prayer, O Lord, even though it is oered to Thee
from such a sinful and unworthy servant; and unite my
entreaty with those of all the other brothers and sisters
that are crying out today on behalf of all Thy little ones,
who are now being formed in the wombs of their mothers.
Deliver us and our nation, O Lord, from this shedding of
innocent blood! Forgive us! Heal us! Save us! Amen.