Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries Biographies


Saint Severinus,  Apostle of Austria

 († 482)

Source: http://www.abbamoses.com/months/january.html

(Icon by George Piperakis)

A sincere attempt is being made with this new series by our website, to now acquaint our readers with the lives of the Orthodox Saints and Martyrs of the original One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of our Lord, who, like some of the Orthodox Saints of the British Isles, lived and propagated the Faith in the Western territories of the European Continent during the first millennium of Christianity and prior to the Great Schism of 1054 AD.


St. Severinus came to the borderland of present-day Germany and Austria from the east — possibly the Egyptian desert — to care for the Roman Christians who were endangered by invading barbarians during the collapse of the Roman Empire.

He remained there until the end of his life. While he was there he advised both common people and kings to put eternal life first, and taught them to be generous to one another and to lead a true Christian life.

He built a monastery and protected from harm those who gathered around him. As he foretold, the monks and other Christians who had followed him escaped to saftety in Italy, taking St. Severinus' incorrupt relics with them.

 His relics are still honored in Frattamaggiore, Italy (near Naples).

 —from the 2006 Saint Herman Calendar


Article published in English on: 14-5-2010.

Last update: 14-5-2010.