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Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries | Orthodoxy - Mysteries |
“Hagiorite Testimony” of the Sacred Monastery of Xiropotamos of Mount Athos, v.12-13.
Source: https://www.impantokratoros.gr/F3112F03.en.aspx
Let's pause for a moment and observe a small prayer rope, like the
ones made with black wool on the Holy Mountain Athos. It should be
regarded as a blessing from a Holy site. Like so many other things
of the Church, this is likewise a blessing which has been prepared
and given to us by an in-Christ brother or father - those living
witnesses of a living Tradition.
Its colour is black - the color of mourning and sorrow – which acts
as a reminder for us to be sober and serious in our life. We have
been taught that the prayer of repentance - especially the “Jesus
Prayer” - can bring us to what the Fathers call “joyous sorrow”.
While we sorrow for our sins and weaknesses and falls - before God,
our fellow men and ourselves - this sorrow becomes a source of joy
and repose in Christ, Who pours out His mercy and forgiveness to all
who call upon His name.
This prayer rope is made with thread made of natural wool taken from
sheep; it serves to remind us that we are sheep of the Good
Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. It also reminiscent of the “Lamb of
God, Who takes away the sins of the World'[1].
Similarly, the Cross that is knotted into the prayer rope is a
reminder of that sacrifice and the victory of life over death, of
humiliation over pride, of self-sacrifice, of light over darkness.
And the tassel of threads hanging from the prayer rope? This is used
for wiping away the tears from your eyes - or, if you don’t weep, it
reminds you to mourn because you don’t mourn. Apart from this, small
tassels were used to adorn the sacred vestments during the time of
the Old Testament - which reminds us of the Sacred Tradition that we
partake of when we use the prayer rope.
Prayer ropes are knotted according to a tradition that goes back to
the depths of centuries. Perhaps one of the earliest forms of a
praying aid was the gathering of small stones or seeds and moving
them from one spot or container to another during the “rule” of
one’s prayer time, or the “rule” for partial or full-body
prostrations. There is also the story of a monk who had thought of
making simple knots on a rope and using that during his daily “rule”
of prayer. But the devil undid all the knots from that prayer rope
and thwarted the efforts of the poor monk. An Angel then appeared
and taught the monk how to make a special knot – the way it is
applied in making all prayer ropes to this day, with each single
knot formed by a number of intertwined Crosses. These knots proved
impossible to be untied by the devil because of the presence of
Crosses in them.
Prayer ropes come in a wide variety of forms and sizes (lengths).
Most of them have a Cross woven between knots or at their edge, thus
marking the end of the rope, as well as a kind of sign after every
ten, twenty-five or fifty knots or beads. There are many types of
prayer ropes. Some are woven from wool or silk or even from other,
more luxurious or simpler material. Others have “knots” consisting
of beads or the dried flower of a plant called “the Virgin’s tear”.
The prayer rope is one of the objects given to an Orthodox monk
during his tonsure. It is given to him as his spiritual sword with
which, as a soldier of Christ, he must fight against our noetic
enemy, the devil. He uses this “sword” by invoking the name of our
Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ and beseeching His mercy with
the words of the Jesus prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have
mercy on me, the sinner”. This prayer can also be recited in an
abbreviated form: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me”, or in an
extended form: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son and Logos of God, by the
embassies of the most holy Theotokos and all the Saints, have mercy
on me, the sinner”.
With the aid of the prayer rope, other, short prayers can also be
recited, such as the publican's prayer in the Gospel: “May God have
mercy on me the sinner [2]; the
prayer to the Mother of God: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us”, or
other, brief prayers: to our Guardian Angel, to individual Saints,
or to All Saints. The usual form of such a prayer is: “Holy Angel -
or Saint (......), intercede in favour of me”. By changing the words
of these short prayers to “have mercy on us” or “intercede for us”
or by including the name or names of people for whose sake we wish to
pray, we can also use the prayer rope to pray for others. The same
applies to a prayer for the reposed: “Repose, o Lord, the soul of
your servant (.....)”..
When monks and laypersons hold the prayer rope in their hands, it is
a reminder of their obligation to pray without interruption,
according to the Apostle Paul's command: “Incessantly pray”
Anyone can have a prayer rope in their pocket or in a certain
discreet place, where they can easily use it unnoticed, in cases
where it is preferable to pray in secret, without attracting the
attention of others. The prayer rope can also be placed above the
headboard of our bed, in the car, along with a small Cross or Icon
or in other appropriate places as a reminder to pray, and as a kind
of blessing and a holy and divine presence in our lives.
Now let's briefly examine the primary purpose for which the prayer
rope was made. The main purpose of the prayer rope is to help us
when we pray to God and His Saints. Besides serving us as a constant
external reminder and blessing, how can this little prayer rope help
us pray? Of course we can pray without it, and sometimes it can even
distract us in our effort to concentrate on prayer. With that in
mind, let's look at some of the ways the prayer rope can help us.
Sometimes our prayer is fervent and it is easy for us to pray. But
sometimes our minds are so scattered, or we are so agitated, or so
distracted, that it is practically impossible for us to concentrate
on prayer. This happens mainly when we try to observe some daily
prayer rule. Some days it goes well, but sometimes, perhaps most of
the time, our efforts seem almost futile. But since - as we said -
we are creatures of habit, it is very beneficial to fix a specific,
regular time of the day for prayer. The evening hour (not too late)
before going to bed is a good hour, because it is important to end
the day with prayer. In the morning, waking up, it is also good to
start the new day with prayer. One can still find other times of the
day when one can be in quietude and concentrate.
Our effort is to establish prayer as a rule in our lives, not as an
exception. In this we seek to find some time every day when we can
have a little peace, so that we can concentrate and turn the eyes of
our soul to God. As part of this rule we may want to read some
prayers from a prayer book or pray and find peace of mind in other
ways, such as reading religious texts or examining
the events of the day that passed, etc. . But the most effective way
to benefit from the rule of prayer is to regularly say the “Jesus
prayer” (“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me”) a set number of
times. This number need not be large and may only take fifteen
minutes or so. But this will be the part of our day that belongs to
God, the few grains of salt that will flavor our entire spiritual
life. Many doctors today also recommend this practice for physical
health, especially to overcome stress.
Better still, let us find
several such small intervals throughout the day and regularly “fill”
them with the precious treasures of prayer, which no one can steal
and which are laid up for us in Heaven
If you want to keep a fixed number of prayers as part of your daily
routine, you will be greatly helped by the prayer rope. With it, you
can say a set number of prayers and concentrate on the words of the
prayer as you recite it. After gathering your thoughts, take the
prayer rope in your left hand and hold it lightly between your thumb
and forefinger. Then quietly making the sign of the Cross with your
right hand, you can begin to whisper the Jesus Prayer. As your
thoughts become more and more focused, you may not need to keep
crossing yourself or saying the prayer out loud. But when you find
it difficult to concentrate, make the sign of the Cross and whisper
as a means to help keep your mind focused on the Prayer.
It is good to be standing with our head bowed in a posture of
humility. Some like to raise their arms heavenward now and then,
thus asking for God’s mercy. However others may find it more helpful
to be seated or kneeling, with their head bowed, to help them
concentrate. A lot depends
on the person - on their health and their upbringing. The most
important thing is to remain still and concentrate on the words of
the Prayer while it is being repeated.
Of course, one must rein in the temptation to hurry. This is the
reason some people utilize a clock instead of a prayer rope - as an
external counter of the duration of their prayer, by setting the
alarm clock accordingly. By using the clock, one can dedicate a
specific length of time to the Prayer, without counting the exact
number of its repetitions.
The prayer rope is also a convenient way to measure the minor or
larger prostrations (kneelings) that one makes during their “rule”.
Crossing oneself and then bending and touching the ground with the
fingers, or kneeling and touching the forehead on the ground is an
ancient way of praying to God and His Saints. One can combine these
minor or larger prostrations with the Jesus Prayer, or the brief
prayers mentioned earlier on. The bodily moves of the minor or
larger prostrations (that is, the “lighter” or “deeper” ones (that
is, with kneeling, full-body prostrations on the ground) can
contribute to the fervor of prayer and give an external expression
to our supplication by physically humbling ourselves before God.
This is yet another way of
applying the Apostolic command to glorify God, both with our souls
and our bodies
Many use the prayer rope when they retire to sleep. They make the
sign of the Cross over their bed, take the prayer rope, Cross
themselves, lie down and calmly recite the Prayer until they fall
asleep. Waking up with the prayer rope between your fingers or next
to your pillow helps you start the new day with prayer. However, to
end the previous day with a quiet prayer is an even better way to
prepare for a prayerful start to the new day – not forgetting to
mention it is also a preparation for the Eternal Day, in case we
fall permanently asleep that night - in death. Still others take the
prayer rope in their hand during moments of inactivity – for example
when they are on the way to work or during travel. Whatever time of
day it comes to mind, hold a small prayer rope in your hand. A
combination of this action with the prayers that you recite at other
times will help you concentrate and pray several times throughout
the day, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. This is an
important step in fulfilling the command to “pray incessantly”.
The holy Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov mentions that the lengthy
services of the Church are also a good opportunity to pray with the
prayer rope. It is often difficult to focus on the words that are
read or chanted in the sacred Temple, and far easier to concentrate
quietly on one's own prayers, whether these are improvised, related
to some special need, or prayers and hymns that one knows by heart,
or short prayers - especially the “Jesus Prayer” repeated with the
help of the prayer rope. In practice, this way helps one to
concentrate better during the Divine Service itself - as Saint
Seraphim of Sarov also says. Of course, when we pray during Divine
Services, our prayer becomes joined to the prayer of the entire
Our mind is constantly preoccupied with various thoughts. Not a
moment passes after commencing our prayers, when we immediately
catch our mind thinking about something else.
Even in this case, the
presence of the prayer rope around our fingers can help us to
control our minds and return to the labour of prayer much faster.
Also, when we “encounter” an interim bead or Cross on the prayer
rope as we move along its knots with our thumb and fingers, we can
also realize whether our mind was wandering and not focusing on the
prayers we intended to recite. This way, we can offer our prayers
anew, without engaging in thoughts about how easily we become
distracted from our prayer to God.
We just made a reference here to the great science of prayer - which
the Holy Fathers named “the art of arts”. There is extensive
literature with a wealth of writings by the great men of prayer
throughout the ages, which can help and guide us in learning - with
God's help - this greatest and most beneficial of all sciences.
Regular reading of the Holy
Bible, the Lives of the Saints and other pious and spiritual texts
can be of immense help. Books like the “Philokalia” contain deep and
inspiring advice and instructions, also on learning to pray as a
Christian, because prayer is an essential element of being a
Christian. Above all, however, God's Grace is necesary in Church,
especially through Holy Confession and the Reception of the
Immaculate Mysteries.
These are just a few introductory thoughts on how to use the prayer
rope beneficially. But what is most important is to begin to pray.
The prayer rope does not pray by itself, although some are so
beautiful that they may give that impression. It is certainly an
important traditional aid for our praying and especially for a daily
prayer “rule”. But the main thing is to concentrate on the words of
the Prayer and to offer prayers from our hearts to Jesus Christ, our
Lord and God. If that tiny prayer rope helps you say a prayer or
reminds you to pray or helps you in some way to become more
prayerful, then it has served its purpose. It has tied you closer
and closer to Christ, our God, and has brought you closer to the
Kingdom of God, since the Kingdom of God is within you
[7]. Notea:
[1] cmp. 1 John
[2] Luke 18:13
[3] 1 Thess. 5:17
[4] Overview: in the patristic
sense of 'questioning': one’s self-control to repent of sins and
amendment, but also to acknowledge God's benefactions.
[5] cmp. Matth.9:20 and St. Cyril.
Of Jerusalem, 'Catechisms', 15:23.: “Inscribed (written in Heaven)
is your every prayer”.
cmp. 1 Cor. 6:20: “You must
glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which both belong to
[7] Luke 17:21
Article published in English on: 28-1-2024.
Last update: 28-1-2024.