In this
section, we have inserted articles pertaining to
current affairs and issues generally related to
society. Our intention is to analyze these various
issues, as always, in the light of Christian Divine
Revelation; our approach is unlike any other,
non-Christian journalism, which has been rendered
blind, on account of the ignorance and faithlessness
of this world. As much as the people of this
world might desire to eliminate God from their
lives, He is forever present. Unfortunately,
they shall forever be relying on their own
convictions…….and shall forever be making fools of
themselves. We shall also preoccupy ourselves
here with the problems and the slip-ups of
ecclesiastic personages. The reason we are doing
this in this section and not in the section
“Orthodoxy” is because these are issues or results
of “cacodoxy” and not “Orthodoxy”. Regardless
whether they are attributed to persons that are
orthodox, or are called orthodox, or have attempted
to live (and failed) in an orthodox manner.
"Discernment in beginners is true
knowledge of themselves; in
intermediate souls, it is a spiritual
sense that faultlessly distinguishes
what is truly good from what is of
nature and opposed to it; and in the
perfect, it is the knowledge which they
have within by Divine illumination, and
which can enlighten with its lamp what
is dark in others."